Unwanted CHild- 3rd Sunday


Unwanted CHild: Who shine

Third Sunday: Silent before storm

Disclaimer: This is the third part of Unwanted CHild. Please read the first two part if you are new. Click: About Chapter 1 - First Sunday

Let’s start our story without delay. By the way, I miss you guys.

The beautiful gift for a mother is their children; when she loses that gift, she will definitely feel miserable for herself. In the case of Nirmala, she gets hope to live for her baby, but after the death of her infant child, she almost loses hope. To spend her day without her baby and husband became harder day by day. After almost a year, Resham (Riya’s father) returned home. When he learned of all the situations surrounding his baby, he was heartbroken. To support his wife emotionally, he decided to stay at home for one year. In the meantime, Riya’s grandmother and her aunties act like they love and care for her. They pretend to care for her, and during that time, Nirmala began to believe that they truly loved her. Perhaps things would improve now. With the Resham family's deceptive care and affection towards his wife, he feels confident to return to work, trusting in their support.

You know people can't maintain their fake behavior for a long time. When Resham was out for work from home, they used to treat Nirmala like a servant, and they started to blame her by saying you snatched our son from us. After one year, Resham returned to India, and the old style of Nirmala started. Riya’s mother lost her own child due to the lack of proper care from her in-laws, who refused to provide any clothes or food for her baby, which was shocking. Instead of taking responsibility for that, they blamed her for the loss of her own child. They used to say that because of your evil eye, you lost your child and were detrimental to our family. Riya’s grandmother used to have two separate homes. In that village, all people had two houses, one for people living and another for cattle. Obviously, we know houses for humans have better facilities than houses for buffalo and cows, and 25 years ago, the condition was worse than today’s. Nirmala's in-laws made her stay there. When she asked why I couldn't live here, they used to say, “You have to take care of cattle; people will steal them. For their security, you have to live there. Back then, tigers used to come to prey on the cattle; we can imagine the level of danger it posed.

Resham promised her wife to return home after 2 years, but Resham's mother and sister were not happy with that; they wanted to separate them. They used to write a letter to Resham backbiting about Nirmala; they even called her. She wanted to date other people; if she found someone better than you, she would give you a divorce. They continuously used to badmouth her. But you know what? Riya’s father was so supportive towards his wife; he always used to support her and defend her. And for some reason, Resham couldn't make it home in two years. She used to go to her parents' house to feel safe, but they wouldn't let her. Nirmala spent her four years of life like that in her own husband's home, where she worked like a servant.

After four years, Resham (Riya’s father) returns home, the happiest moment for Nirmala, even though we can feel right?. When she found her wife in that condition, he was totally furious. He really wanted to take her wife with him, but he couldn't because in India he didn’t have any home or place to stay. He used to sleep by the roadside or on the bench to save money for his family and future. When Resham returned home, his mother and his brother's wife seldom allowed him to meet either of them. They started to tell Resham to give her divorce; she is not perfect for the family; she can’t give a child to you and in this family. But Riya’s father is a hero; he never says a bad word to his wife and always supports her. Even after thousands tried to not let them meet, they always used to stay together at Cattles House. You know Riya’s father never disrespects her mother, and he always makes sure to protect his wife from all of them.

To start a new life, Resham again returns to India, and guys, here is the surprising news for you. After three months, Riya’s mother came to know that she was pregnant, and yeah, yeah, you are right now our little star—an unwanted child was about to be born. Unwanted why? I will tell you, when Riya was with her mother, Riya’s grandmother and her aunties crossed all the limits. They want the death of that unborn child. When a woman is pregnant, she has to face a lot of difficulties and pain in her own body. But Nirmala had to face lots of taunts toward her. To make sure the little unborn child would die, Nirmala’s in-laws used to make her work day and night. If Nirmala didn’t complete all household chores, they told her we would not give her any food to eat. To protect her child, she used to work all day and night. To protect her daughter and grandchild, Nirmala’s parents used to give her money and food secretly. Nirmala had to face a lot of struggle, even more than her four-year-old miscarriage. Riya’s grandmother always makes fun of Riya’s mother's body during her pregnancy. I don’t understand why they hate her so much without any reason. I also asked this question to Riya, and she told me that in that time and even in ancient times, laws used to treat daughters-in-law as servants. One day, when Nirmala was working in the field, she forgot to do all the dishes. She was so tired from doing all-day, nonstop work. The most heartbreaking sentence Riya’s grandmother said to Nirmala is that she said, I wish your unborn child may die, but not even that. I wish you had also died, and I want the opportunity to bury you and your child in a different area. I will be happy then. After that day, she always used to say, Nirmala, that soon your child would be dead and born as a dead child. But destiny had her own plan for Nirmala’s life.

To learn about the magical journey of unwanted girls, you have to wait until next Sunday. I am busy right now completing my assignment, so bye, guys. I will miss you.

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"The story is completely the piece of creative and imagine. It is not associated with anyone life. Read and Enjoy" Copyright under The team of Learn passio.

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  1. Liked it. I'll wait for the next part.

  2. Really missed your writing!!!
    Yar story is getting very emotional!!
    Don't why but I am getting attached to the characters and it feels the whole story is going in front of me and I am feeling it.. ok buddy loving the story, waiting for the next Sunday.
    Thanks a lot ❤️

  3. Read directly the third chapter. Now going back to read serially 😁

  4. Will definitely come for next part.
