Learn to fly ----- Featured

 Learn to fly 

Hey, I just saw a girl sitting backside of my seat, her eyes!!! If you have ever seen blue fire, then you have an idea how passionate her eyes were!!
Hello everyone, Kartik Tyagi this side, a learner as well as a good reader. This is the first time I am trying to web my imagination and write a story of my own imaginative world titled' Learn to fly'. This story is about a girl named 'Ruhani' a village girl who turns the world upside down for her. A girl who learns to fly, and she is now going to Germany and sitting in a bullet train as described earlier. Let's dive into this beautiful story... Life is not always as easy we think for everyone particularly for a girl like Ruhani. Ruhani, a girl who can't imagine of about going out of her own village, she is now 10 years and lives with her uncle and aunty. She has a round face with pointed chin. She would like Barbie if she is dressed well and especially her blue eyes will make a person think how damn beautiful one can be!! One day when she was playing with her friends, she noticed boys well dressed and combed with backpacks. She had always seen them like this every day. She was curious enough to know where they used to go like this daily. She started following them and finally after 15 mins of walking she reached her only village school... She was very surprised to see that such a place also exists in her village. There were only boys, they were playing different games like cricket, basketball on the school ground. Suddenly bell rang and everyone rushed to their classrooms and a teacher came in their class. Everyone wished her, she started teaching them about human digestive system. She was teaching so beautifully that even Ruhani who had never gone to school could understand it. She was astonished to listen how amazing our body is!! She started taking very much interest in it. The teacher saw her and reached near her to talk. She asked her: Do you want to study? She was stammering but said yes. Will you teach me miss? Very hopefully she asked. The teacher told her to come from next day and she would teach her how to write. You must be thinking why she was living with her uncle and aunty, where are her parents? Her parents left the world when she was only 2. Since then, she was deprived of even basic needs for a girl child. She was never shown how outside world looks like. She was confined only to that what it was shown to her. When she requested her wish to her uncle, he denied and even slapped her and she was told going to school and study is boy's right, this was made for boys... How a typical villager would think. Whenever she used to ask for new dresses, she was denied every time not even in festivals. Even after all this she had a very appealing smile on her face. One day an old man came in their village he saw Ruhani, and he felt she was very attractive and decided to marry her. But wait!!she was only 10 you would probably think but this was common in their village. Even in today's time there are lots of places where child marriage is still being practiced. Even before they know what the good and bad deeds are they are thrown in a dark room from where it is nearly impossible to comeback. Ruhani's family agreed for her marriage as they were given a lot of money in their mouth for being like statues and sold their niece. At the day of marriage, she was given sweet for being unconscious. She was being taken to wedding pavilion. No one cared for her as it was a normal wedding for all of them. Here comes a shout: What all are You doing? She is just a child.. a man's furious voice came. Let me introduce you all about this man, he is 'Vinayak' A very reputed lawyer of 20 years old. His thoughts and works are way behind these villagers. He was very opend minded personality. So coming back to the scene, Vinayak tried to stop them taking Ruhani. He was stopped by villagers and even beaten. In front of his eyes a girl child was being thrown to dark and it was against his principles but he was helpless not able to do anything. Now all the rituals started and unfortunately marriage got completed. But here comes a twist the old man to whom she was married got heart attack and he was died instantly... All were shocked to see this scene but Vinayak was way more than happy. His happiness soon turned to dejection when he came to know she was being taken to perform 'sati' pratha a ritual in which a widow has to be burnt along with her died husband. Vinayak with full courage tried to stop them, he came in front of them and grabbed a wood of fire and started to frighten them. No-one listened to him and continued going to cemetary. Vinayak took Ruhani in his lapse forcefully and without thinking much applied vermillion to her head with the help of his blood. There was no other choice left to him so he did that. He took Ruhani to his house. House had luxurious finishes, spacious floor plan, multiple bedroom and bathroom. When Ruhani's consciousness came she was amazed by the house. It was not other than palace for her. Vinayak told him to stay with her from now on he is his 'guru' and would teach her from next day. A lot of struggles they had to face, Ruhani had to learn all the household works it was very difficult for her afterall she was a child. Vinayak refused to his parents to let her work. Vinayak used to play with her and took care of her in the best way possible, he taught him about periods, how to keep hygiene in that time and this is a natural process, no girls need to be ashamed of it. Whole village was against them but he still took her to a hostel as he saw that she needs a free environment for her studies. Now Ruhani was 14 years old and a great bond was developed between both of them. She wanted to stay with him, she even started crying when she heard about all. Vinayak told her how much important it is to be independent and especially for girls. How much important education is, and this would open a whole new world for her. She accepted it and now time came to leave the home. She held her guru hand and left the home. They both reached hostel and both of them had tears while bidding off. Vinayak told him that he would stay in touch with her and would call her on telephone on daily basis. Now Ruhani started her studies very seriously. By the end of her +2 she topped in school. She wanted to do further studies in medicine and her dream was to be a cardiologist. Now it was time to meet with her guru, her Saviour. Both of them hugged each other and had tears of happiness in their eyes. They came back to home Ruhani was welcomed by all family members with garlands, music and everything she could dream. After 2 days when Vinayak asked her what her about further plan, she told her whole plan bit by it that she wanted to be a cardiologist, wanted to open a hospital so that poor people don't need to stand in a long queue of government hospitals and would do the treatment for free of cost. Vinayak was joyful, he was proud of Ruhani, he was completely satisfied all of his hard works are being paid off!! He decided to send her Ruhani to German for further medical studies. And she flied to Germany...!!! That's how a girl who didn't even know how to write learns how to fly 🕊️.... This all was possible not only of Vinayak but they both together did it. Ruhani was too determined for her dreams; she passed so many hurdles for this... She is the proof you can walk through hell and still be an angel... So here the ends come to this beautiful story. This is Kartik Tyagi signing off!!!

Author Detail

Kartik tyagi

Hello everyone, Kartik tyagi this side. I love to write on social topics, by writing this story I just want to motivate my audience especially a girl who wants to be independent but has killed her inner self just for the sake of this society.. Dear girls don't think of others just work for your dreams. Hope u like the story.
Editor: Secured forth position in International- Open Online Creative Write Fest, first edition.

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  1. Wow what a story!! Really liked it..
    The way it is presented, the story is not only of Ruhani but this issue still persists in our world.. A great awakening story.. Amazing!!

  2. Loved the story, especially the character of Vinayak, such type of person are very rare in today's world...
    Thankyou for this wonderful story..

  3. Well done 👍, beautiful story
    Being a girl really felt the whole story,
    Well presentation is quite good
    Will recommend this to my friends also

  4. What a story!! Well the issue is major and should be noticed by the people!!
    Thank you so much for this wonderful story

  5. Really liked the plot...
    Keep going...
    Felt the story..

  6. Wow nice story 💯
