THE HAZEL EYES ----- Featured


As the young man woke from his long and weary sleep, his eyes blinked open
to the dimly illuminated room. The shadows danced across the ceiling, casting
an interesting pattern. With a groan, his hand came across the messy bed,
searching for his phone between the sheets and pillows. Finally grasping it,
he looked at the glowing screen,12 o’clock,He said in a sheivering and hoarse
voice ”Nine hours and still this headache,”,while his body rose from the warmth
of the bed. As his feet met the cold floor, a shiver ran down his spine, his
breath escaping in a hushed exhale. The room was in deep gloom as the lights
were turned out, flowers near the balcony withered without water, and the floor
carpet dirty in neglect. Yet, a sliver of moonlight entered through the half
drawn curtains, bringing a soft glow in the room.With a sigh, he opened the
door leading to the bathroom, where a large mirror above the basin awaited him.
His image reflected back at him.It was a young man with no expression on his
face. His dark hairs untrimmed and messy, his beard unshaved and ripening, his
eyes haunted by the dark circles. Taking his toothbrush up, he applied a layer of
toothpaste when suddenly, a loud Shrek of music was being shattered breaking
stillness of the room. In rage, he stepped out to the balcony.

What he saw was a scene of a town glowing with the lights of celebration.
Every house with lights twinkling like stars, the air filled with laughter and
joy. A band of musicians were getting through the streets, their instruments
making the night more adurable with their beautiful melodies. People of all ages
danced and participated in the celebration, their faces glowing with happiness
and excitement.But between these lights, his gaze was drawn to her,the girl
with hazel eyes. Dressed in red and white, her brown hair flowing in the wind
like a waterfall stood special between the mass, her flute conquereing the notes
that enchanted all who heard. As their eyes met, her smile filled the darkness
of the night with a new warmth. And in that moment, between all the chaos
of the carnival, their souls connected,a different but generous encounter that
would be marked in his heart forever. As the echoes of her melody faded into
the night, the young man hurried back to his room, where the crave to meet
her increased to a great height.Quickly, he dressed himself in his best attire, his
fingers fumbling with buttons and zippers. With his shoes untied and his hair
still messy, he ran out into the night, supported by the wanting's, he couldn’t

Midst the mass of people, he searched desperately for her, the girl with hazel
eyes who had captured his heart with a single smile. The nearby people saw
him with awe as if they saw him after a long break. Their faces alight with
the joy of the carnival or his presence, welcoming him with open arms despite
his unmanaged appearance. ”Where did the band go?” he inquired anxiously,
his voice cutting their welcomes. ”Looks like they went to the stadium for the
carnival,” a young boy replied, with excitement. Without a moment’s hesitation,
he ran towards the stadium, his hearts pounding with the deep crave to meet
her. He was running among the hustle of people, without caring about anyone, bustling into everyone with a constant repitation of” Sorry”,” Give me a way”,” Really sorry for that", "Move, please move”. Some listened to his words while. Others were too involved celebration busy for the young man's voice. After
sprinting for some time, he finally reached the stadium.

There were thousands of people waiting for the gates of stadium to be open,
but what the eyes were searching was still missing. ” Did you see a girl in
red and white paying flute, she had a hazel eye ,did u see her?”,”She was in
a band”,” She was in a ba..”,a helpless voice asking for help to everyone that
he met there. Some listened while some didn’t.When all of a sudden he caught
a sight of her,dressed in orange and brown, crowned with a elegant red crown,
She was there looking at her watch as if she was waiting for someone. Before he
could reach her she vanished into the crowd, leaving him lost in the sea of faces
alone.Undisturbed by this, with his strong determination, he took the initiative
to find her inside the stadium, where she most probably would be present. But
his path was soon blocked by a hard-faced guard, ”Can I take a look at your
ticket, Sir!” he said. ”Ticket? I must have misplaced it,” he lied, his heart
sinking with fear. But then, a spark of inspiration ignited within him. ”” Wait,
wait, SHE„ She must have it ,”,” Who she?”,”My,MY,MY Wife”, She must have
it, She was just here, yes she has it”, before the gaurd could reply, he added”
”She has hazel eyes, dressed in brown and orange, with a red crown. Please, you
must find her for me!”, I am in a deep trouble, please understand my situation”,”
he exclaimed, his words with a sense of urgency. Moved by the desperation in
his eyes, the guard allowed him to pass the gates,”The dress you just said, I
think she must be the part oF ”Dark LOVE” drama act, It will be the ending
act of the carnival,”,” OHH yess the Drama , thats what she said ,yyess, can
I meet her now”,” Ahh,well at this moment we cant allow her to be disturbed,
why dont u wait for her,I will arranger a seat for you, dont worry,” Inside the
stadium, he was directed to a seat in the front row, where the excitement was
thick in the air. As the stadium filled to capacity, the atmosphere buzzed with
excitement, every soul eagerly waiting the celebration to start.

And then, with a burst of firework illuminating the sky, the parade started, a
beautiful display of color and light capturing the audience in its spell Midst the
vibrance of the carnival, the young man’s heart was beating in eager for another
glimpse of her. As each act unfolded, he remained there in his desire, lost in
the maze of his thoughts and excitement for the hazel eyes that had captivated
him. One by one, the dramas unfolded, each performance delivered with the
huge amount of talent and creativity. The air buzzed with excitement as people
merged themselves in the beauty of the carnival escaping all the burdens of their
daily lives. Yet, the young man remained fixed on his quest, his mind consumed
by her thoughts. ”When will she come? whenn?” His thoughts clouding his
consciousness with a longing that was touching his inner core of soul. Finally,
the announcement echoed through the stadium, signaling the beginning of the
play ”THE TALE OF DARK LOVE.” Hearing this his heart pounded fast, eager
mounting his sights as he lifted his gaze,glancing the crowd in search of her. The
stage came to life as the actors took their places. They came in a wheeled stage of about a hall size decorated with all riches, it represented two separate worlds
of its own, half the stage built with the golden riches,thrones,jwels, clouds, people
with charismatic looks while the other half was dressed as hell like attire, with
monster like creatures.”Must be the love of hell and heaven”commented people.
Soon there came a beautful girl with a red crown with a goddess worth elegance
on her face.”woo , she is so preety,””she is the queen, gorgeous”,people started
cheering to the top of her lungs as if she is an idealized version of a true goddess. A
vision of beauty with a crown of crimson, embracing cheers and love from the
crowd. But as the spotlight fell on her, the young man’s heart shattered. She
was not the hazel eyes. Grieve dashed over him, breaking his hopes and dreams
in an instant. He watched with a hollow mind as the play unfolded, his eyes
scanning the faces of the actors, searching for the gaze of the hazel eyes. Soon,
he approached the guard, his voice in deep desperation, ”I can’t find her. She
must be in this drama, but she’s not here”. With a heavy heart,” I heard that
there has been some replacements before the play, that was so unexpected,I
am really sorry , but I thinkk..”replied the gaurd with a heavy heart.”She must
have gone home by now”added the gaurd. He didnt say anything, but was
still seamless of any emotion other than the rage and sorrow on his face and
the emptyness in his heart. With a deep thought, he turned away from the
stadium in mids of the show, his footsteps sluggish and slow by the burden of
disappointment.Mids the thousands of mass he still felt utterly alone, his heart
with pain longing for the one who had captured his soul. And as he walked into
the night, he couldn’t help but give one last glance over the play, hoping to see
the hazel eyes but was of no better.

As he came out of the carnival, his steps made the young man wander aimlessly
down the eastern road. His mind was filled with thoughts of the girl, her image
haunting his steps. Despite the pain in his heart, he couldn’t forget the vivid
memory of her mesmeriging gaze. As he walked, unknown to the world around
him,passing by countless faces without seeing or hearing a thing. He was numb,
lost in his own turmoil, his watery eyes betraying the pain he tried so hard
to hide. ”Where is she? Where, where?” His voice, hussed with longing and
craving, echoing into the night. It was then that he came across a brightly lit
sign at the end of the road—”TIMES NEW RESTAURANT,” The sight which
shook something within him, a faint need of a drink that could heal all his

Coming near the grand restaurant, the young man’s breath stopped for
a glimpse as he saw her once more. It was the hazel eyes again,”its her,
its her, yess”, without any thinking he rushed towards her with all his
might.”shh,hh,shhh” With the heavy breathings,he got near the table. There
she sat, dressed in white and purple, an elegant and beautiful girl sitting alone
in a double chaired seat waiting for someone, continuously glancing at her
watch. Suddenly their eyes met, and she greeted him with a ”HI”, as if she
had been expecting him all this time. Unable to understand the sudden turn
of events, he approached her table with faint steps continously looking back
checking if there was someone else, his heart amazed with this uncertainty. "I was waiting for you. You made me wait a lot,” she said softly, her words
slipping over him like a beautiful melody. He was speechless, unable to react
to this sudden approach by her, at the same time, also not being able to
resist her magnetic pull. As they exchanged awkward sights , the waiter
approached, interrupting their gaze exchange. With a cheerful smile, ”Is there
something,you would like to order sir”.” AHH ,YESS” making a pause he said
” well it would be great if you would order”,a cheerful voice was heard. The
girl was silent unable to redeem more words, guessing the awkwardness the
man himslef orderd the festival special. The waiter stared at him for a moment
replying ”sure sir , I will get it on the way”.”it must be my hair, its messy” he
muttered in a low voicein speck of awkwardness, while the girl was looking at
him in the most loving way possible. Soon their voices filled with warmth and
conversation with a new vitality.

But just as they settled into their talks, a familiar voice shattered them
conversation.” Hey, how are you? It’s been so long!", it was his best friend breaking
the spell that had enveloped the couple then. And as he exchanged sight with
his friend, a sense of regret emerged at him, wondering what might have been if
his friend had stayed just a moment longer to address him in the company of the
hazel-eye. Still the young man rose from his seat, embracing his friend tightly
in a long reunion. ”How are you,? It’s been far too long,” he exclaimed with
genuine warmth. ”Have you visited the carnival yet? I’m heading there now
Let’s both of us go. I don’t want to miss the final play,” his friend suggested
eagerly, ”I just came from there,” the young man began, but before he could
finish, his friend interrupted with enthusiasm. ”So what? Let’s go again! I
heard the last play is about a goddess and a demon’s love or something. And
rumor that the actress is a true beauty. Let’s get the old days back,” he said
with a nostalgic smile. ”Leave it first meet her, She is..”,But as the young man
turned to introduce his friend to the hazel eyed girl, he was shocked to see that
the seat was empty, as if she had vanished into air. ”Who?” his friend asked,
surprised by the sudden change in their conversation. ” No, wait. She was here
Where is she? She was just here with me!” the young man exclaimed anxiously,
his eyes getting around the restaurant in a worrying search.

Regardless of the stares from the people there, his focus was on finding his
soulmate. Midst the friend had a confused and terrified look of his behaviour as
if there was something he wanted to mention.But then, there she was, standing
outside the restaurant in black dress, her gaze filled with a sense of helplessness
Rushing outside, the young man was met with an sudden changein the weather
The clouds darkened, thunders roaring in the distance, and the wind stormed
around them, as if nature itself was against their reunion. But nothing could
stop him. Ignoring the warnings of the storm, he approached her, only to find
tears down her cheeks. ”What happened? Are you okay?” he asked, reaching
out to wipe away her tears.When suddenly, ”She’s dead. Just forget her. She’s
gone, don’t you understand, Your wife will never return.” his friend’s voice cut
through the air like a dagger in his heart. As soon as the words were heard, the winds stopped, the thunders paused, and the dark clouds began to tear
up witnessing this sole event. With a deafening silence, rain started to pour
down like tears from the heavens. He stood there, motionless by grief, his heart
torn again by the cruel fate. Yet, in that moment of he found a strength he
never knew he possessed. With a scream, he broke free from his friend , his
single purpose of life to just hold her one last time, He rushed to her and They
embraced themelves tightly feeling the warth of love, care, happiness,sacrifice
and separation, their tears converging with the rain, each drop acting as a
witness to the love they shared and the pain they felt. ”Don’t leave me, please,”
he cried, his voice pure with emotion, ”Don’t,Don’t,Don’t,Don’t, please, I beg
you. please,” he pleaded,pouring his heart out in deep tears. And in the mids of
it all, she whispered words of her farewell to her husband,a healing voice for the
tortured soul. ”Thank you for everything, everything. I love you.You just stay
happy” With those final words, she vanished into the mist, leaving him alone
in the stormy rain, his cries echoing into the darkness of the night, a voice of
grief and love that continued till the rain ceased.It was the night witnessed by
the wind , by the storm , by the clouds and by the rain , the night that ended
the heated torment on that innocent soul for once and all, The night when he
poured all his empty spaces outside to the world , when he revealed his true
soul to all the onlookers, the night when Love got a true definition. The next

As the morning delivered, the young man woke from his sleep, greeted by the
warmth of the sun and the beauty of a new day, he stepped onto the balcony. He
witnessed a clear sky with usual hustles in the street. When suddenly he was
moved by the sight of a single flower blooming in the pot near the balcony by
yesterday's rain. The flower was bright and strong with a huge essence of love
and sacrifice within it.

With a smile, he whispered,” I love you,” knowing that somewhere beyond the
reality, she will hear his words and be there for him in very life he is meant to.
”” Love isn’t possessing, but rather cherishing and nurturing its essence.””

Author Detail

Rohan Sharma

Editor: Ultimate Champion of International- Open Online Creative write fest, first edition.
This is the story that wins the title.   

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Post a Comment


  1. That's really amazing brother keep going 🍂🫶🏻

  2. Really beautiful and the twist at the end was amazing!

  3. Really loved it,a true definition of love .

  4. Impeccable word choice! Captures the very essence of the scene, well written!

  5. Amazing dude your writing pattern fell me in love with that girl😂😂
    Although last paragraph didn't match with mine she rejected 😭
    Well done broo #Our Master
